While olive oil is great for overall skin care, its minerals and fatty acids particularly help plump up the eyes and give dark circles a little glow; vitamin K helps as well to normalize skin tone under the eyes.

Due to its antioxidant content, olive oil may reduce aging skin and wrinkles. The oil can be dabbed around the eye area at night or following sun exposure.

The benefits of taking a spoonful of olive oil every morning on an empty stomach: Improves the functioning of the digestive system: stimulates intestinal transit, promotes the absorption of nutrients, reduces gastric acidity … It reinforces its anti-inflammatory properties, which help to alleviate gastritis.

Their analysis of long-term data, dating back to 1990, shows that eating more than 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil per day lowers one's risk of cardiovascular disease by 15 percent and the risk of coronary heart disease by 21 percent.

Olive oil does contain proteins, antioxidants, and antimicrobial agents that might contribute to healthy hair. Over time, treating your hair with olive oil may work to strengthen your hair follicle, increasing the life span of each hair and making it seem like your hair is growing more quickly.

Olive oil is a healthy fat that contains anti-inflammatory compounds. Drinking it regularly may benefit your heart, bone, and digestive health and help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

  • Fruity. Let's not forget that olives are fruit so a good olive oil needs to have some degree of fruitiness. ...
  • Bitter. Yes, bitter is good. ...
  • Pungent. This is a peppery characteristic that you will feel at the back of your throat when you swallow the oil. ...
  • Fusty. ...
  • Musty. ...
  • Winey-Vinegary. ...
  • Metallic. ...
  • Rancid.

Oleic acid, the main fatty acid in olive oil, can reduce levels of C-Reactive proteins, thereby reducing inflammation in the body. Good quality olive oil has been used to effectively lessen the inflammation and pain of arthritis and may even help to lessen bone loss.

Extra virgin olive oil is loaded with heart-healthy fats and antioxidants, making it a great addition to a nutritious diet . It has also been linked to a long list of benefits and may protect against inflammation, heart disease, breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes .

Olive Oil Is Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats. ...
Olive Oil Contains Large Amounts of Antioxidants. ...
Olive Oil Has Strong Anti-Inflammatory Properties. ...
Olive Oil May Help Prevent Strokes. ...
Olive Oil Is Protective Against Heart Disease. ...
Olive Oil Is Not Associated With Weight Gain and Obesity.

Vioni, calling for “Sustainable health,” is the outcome of five decades of the experience of elite specialists and energetic endeavors of professional Iranian managers in the field of oil extraction from oilseeds and production of vegetable oil. Arian International Holding as the parent company of this great complex comprises the following subdivisions:
1. Arian Taam Khazar Agro Industry

2.Arin Behin Agriculture Company

3.Nikan Bahr Khazar Company (Import Oil Reservoirs at Amirabad Port)

4. International Division (Canada) Golden Crops Enterprises Ltd. and Nimex Financial Inc.

5. International Division (Turkey) ROYAL PETEK DIS

Vioni various factories located at:
1. Arian Taam Khazar: No. 47, Kord Abad Industrial Zone, Chamestan
2. Golbahar Parsian: 15th St., Zarndiyeh County, 70th Kilometer of Saveh-Tehran Expressway
3. Golbahar Silk Road: No. 215, 3rd Pazhuhesh St., Ivanaki Industrial Zone, Past Sharif Abad, Imam Reza Road
4. Nab: Across from Airport, 10th Kilometer Namin Ardabil Road, Ardabil
5. Kandouj Bran Processing: Sarv 4, Sowme'eh Sara Industrial Zone, Past Ziabar, Rasht-Astara Road, Sowme'eh Sara County, Guilan Province


Headquarters: Unit 75, 7th Floor, No 1609, Negin Gholhak Building, At The Corner of The Kolahdooz ST., Shariati ST., Tehran, IRAN. 

 Postal Code: 1939616888

Vioni Sales Office Tel.: +982191002850

Complaint: +982191002850

Working Hours: 07:30 - 16:30 (Saturday to Wednesday) - 07:30 - 12:00 (Thursday) 

Vioni Agencies:

Babol (Jamshidiyeh, Babol):
Address: Corner of Tohid 51, Western Beltline of City, Babol 

Tel.: (+9811) 32325280

Southern Unit, Ground Floor, No. 209, Hafez St., Molakala St., Noor City, Central Region, Noor

Tel.: (+98911) 1277120

Across from Parisan Banquet Hall, Past Ghoreyshi Turn, Babolsar-Babol Road

Tel.: (+9811) 32380194